Oplarhigou Lakerda 16, Ierapetra, Crete, Greece
Tel. Center:+30 2842028522 |🕗 (08.00-20.00)
e-mail: info@cretan-villa.com
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To get to know the heart of Crete, you should definitely go hiking!

In south east Crete, we walk together in the beautiful mountains with breathtaking views of land and sea. Olive groves, chapels and villages turns up in the rich and varied landscape. Peace and quiet in a tranquillity where all you hear is the wind and the goat bells.

We might have different preferences. Some like to walk with hiking poles, others stop now and then to photograph and some want to immerse themselves in thoughts. We spend time in nature, take in greenery and views, enjoy the present. Both body and soul get rest and recovery, new energy and power. We walk together with room for everyone.
The hikes begins and ends in Ierapetra, in southeast Crete and they are of various length and difficulty. The hiking period is from 15 of March until 15 of June and from 15 of September till 15 of December.

Accommodation in Cretan Villa or Akrolithos apartments with 3 days hiking.

When you've checked in, we'll meet to plan 3-days of varied hikes based on your ability and wishes!
The programme may be altered due to weather conditions or other unforeseeable events.

Price: 3 days hiking 500 € for 2 people.
Included in the price: Hiking leader and in connection with the hikes transport and lunch.
Not included: Flight fares and transfers, accommodation, other meals and drinks. You can find the rates and book the type of accommodation from our booking form.
Registration and confirmation: the hotel forwards the registration to the hiking leader, who sends confirmation via email. 
Payment: Upon confirmation of a place, 20% of the fee is paid as a registration fee, which is not refunded in case of cancellation. More information about payment and payment method is given in the confirmation.
There is the possibility of other plans with a discount for guests staying at the Cretan Villa Hotel and Akrolithos apartments. Contact the reception! 

Important information

A half day hike is about 4 hours, a full day hike is about 6 hours. We begin as early as possible to avoid the warmest time of the day,

Each one brings their own beverage and food on the hike.
We have lunch together after every hike.

The hiking leader speaks Swedish and English.

Hiking in the mountains means walking uphill and downhill, which mainly put a strain on feet and knees. The warmer climate can be tiring. You need good health and fitness. You do not need to be an advanced hiker, but it is good if you are accustomed of being in motion for a some hours.


Used hiking shoes (or similar with a rough sole).               
Backpack for day hiking.
Sun protection: headdress, sunglasses, waterproof sunscreen.
Travel pharmacy, personal medicines, mosquito repellent.
European Health Insurance card (EHIC).